Devil's Tower, August 2004

I drove up to see Chuck from Corvallis, who happens to also be the climbing ranger at Devil's Tower. It's a gorgeous 7-hour drive from Boulder, including some cool Oregon Trail historical sites in Gurnsey, and a nice diner in Lusk. We then climbed for a few days, and I drove back. This weekend happened to fall just a few days before the annual Sturgis Rally in nearby South Dakota came through town, so we intermingled with the bikers a good deal on the 1/4-mile, 1-hour walks between the tower base and the visitor center.

Answers to the top questions along the trail:

Interestingly, we witnessed (unbeknownst to us) the first party attempting to climb the tower with paragliding equipment. They were moving slowly up El Matador with huge packs (`Vee have much vater and headlamps vith us, sir.') before giving up. They successfully climbed Durrance the next day instead, and sailed off the top to the ground, where Chuck arranged for their $350 fine.

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Henry Throop

Last modified Wed Aug 24 18:09:04 2005