Mt. Eva, end of June, 2003

The idea was to hike up Mt. Eva from the east (Fall River Reservoir, a few miles NW of Idaho Springs). The mountain -- which is unrelated to Mt. Neva -- is slightly over 13,000'. We brought the appropriate gear along for a little ski `bonus' on the descent. Round-trip distance was 4.5 miles, as per the `Front Range Descents' book; our personal progress was made at approximately 0.5 miles/hour.

NB: The road up is reasonably intense from a bump standpoint, being probably difficult to pass with a 2WD vehicle. The website ('Go anywhere, do anything, only in a JEEP!'), however, rates it only a 2/10 on their scale, where 10/10 indicates 'Winching required. Trail building necessary. Vehicle damage probable.'

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Henry Throop

Last modified Mon Jun 30 10:16:51 2003